Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Erm. Yeah. Vectors!

Like all my "journals" throughout my life, my updating has been random, with bouts of renewed interest. Lately whenever I've felt like maybe posting something (like more art, imagine that) or ranting about This, That and the Other I've been dissuaded by the fact that I doubted anyone actually read this, besides one person who I would rather didn't know any more about my daily life. Also, I'm lazy.

But apparently I'm interesting enough to have VerveEarth e-mail me. Of course they want me to advertise for them, which I have (look at the widget. Look at it!). But if this gets my blog any more attention so much the better, because maybe some day someone will see some actual art and want to hire me. So on the off chance of that happening, I'm willing to add a widget for the chance of more (positive, not creepy thank you very much) attention.

It's summer, whoo. All jr.s have to have a "mentorship" over the course of the summer, and I pestered Jack Unruh to be my mentor ( and he agreed. The poor man. So I'm working on that currently, we have to complete at least one project under our mentor's tutorledge. If I don't frick up it should turn out pretty awesomely. As soon as I scan in and send in the sketch to Jack I'll....I was about to lie. I may or may not put in extra effort and post it here. Ooooh, suspense. Will she or won't she?

Alright, some arting. Besides the mentorship and some emo-ness, I've been making happy vectors.

The pandas are from my Maya class, we had to design a room, and make some art using an Adobe product to put on the wall. Bleh. I like my octopus. If you want to see these bigger, and some other stuff, go here: Maybe I'll get around to posting some of the watercolors I did at the end of the year. Mm. I should. I want to do a giant acrylic painting of the octopus vector, I think it would just be cool to have that on a wall and have it attack some poor smuck's eyeballs upon entering the apartment. Perhaps after the mentorship is over.

Currently I'm watching a group of young 19-20 year old males play Pixel Junk Monster. It's rather amusing. Watching them gathered around the tv on the floor playing a cute game while cursing at towers and insulting each other, I mean. Though the game is fun too (dancing on towers I can do). My amusement may be due to the fact that it's 6:30 in the morning, but hey.

Oh, I caved and am whoring some vectors on cafepress merchandise. Care to buy a button or t-shirt and help me buy more supplies? :D?

Alright, I'm finished blabbing for now. Laters (but how much later no one doo doooo).