See it bigger and better here.
I based her on a Nautilus, and it was quite fun. This is what they really look like:
They are awesome. Funfact: they can live to like 20 years. Poor octopi only usually live about 3 years.
Annnnd here is the color final. Haven't had a crit on her yet, but I'm pretty happy with it so far:
Bigger and better here.
For my children's book class I'm doing an information book on squids and octopi. So far turning out well, have one finished spot illustration, and it look nice. Might have a scan of that up soon.
Oh yeah. Halloween costume turned out well:
Cheapest halloween ever. Dress was like 2 dollars at the salvation army, and most of the fabric my roommate let me have for everything else. And I handmade the doll. Her name is Susan. :P
Bleh. Slow day in Sr Illustration. I'm ready to go onto learning about the new project, but yeah....this class is rarely on schedule. Lunch time though! Es-cap-e!