Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holidays and Such.

Thought I should update. :P This is for you Sharon.

Been working on sketching and some painting the past couple months. Didn't do too much during the summer besides sketch, but now that school is in full swing for most of my friends here I've gotten into the habit of painting at least once a week, usually at the college I gradated from, in the company of my boyfriend as he works on homework. Would be more if I didn't have to, you know, eat and pay bills by working retail. Another toy store for me, though this one is much more...strict? Driven? Business-like? I assume this is how they've managed to stay afloat in this economy, but I miss KB still. You got to play there.

Anywho. Back to art. Been working on a new portfolio, to market to card companies. Here is what have so far, as of characters.

Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving and Halloween (click on the images to see bigger and better scans of them at dA). Many more planned, and some silly ones like Talk Like a Pirate Day sketched. After designing and coloring all the characters I'm going to do some with backgrounds, and do some mock-ups of cards, and make a cover for the portfolio featuring most of the characters interacting. Halloween is my favorite so far. <3

Not planning on updating my official site with these till after I make better scans and get some backgrounds going. And the holiday card portfolio may have to go on hiatus, since for a lot of gifts I need to paint something, as I won't have a lot of money for gifts when loans start collecting (which is this November. Dun dun dun).

So that's it for now. May take photos for Halloween, as I'm going to be a witch (hey, I've never been one, and I think it will be fun) and Barry is planning on being Hellboy, with my help. Should be interesting. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


The show was great, it wasn't as nerve wracking as I thought it would be. A lot of people took post cards, I'll need to get more soon. Here's my thesis:

You can see them better at dA or on my site. I picked the children's book category, and had the idea to do nautical myths, since I like painting sea life so much. The first image is the mock cover, the second is from a Japanese tale called "Why the Jellyfish Has No Bones", third is basically the "Selkie" myth, fourth is from the myths connecting the nautilus with the moon.

I graduate this Saturday, I don't really believe it. Moving to a new apartment seems more real to me right now. I'll be somewhere new on the 1st of June, it's exciting. My room is bigger there. :P Been packing books and stacking old art while doing laundry all day. Energy level still pretty high considering...but I'm going to need a lot more boxes. So far I have 6 average sized cardboard boxes just full of books...and I still have more, not counting dvds. Moving all this is going to be interesting. Well, back to the laundry...

Monday, April 27, 2009

There's A Bumble Bee Outside My Window...

It should stop watching me. It's creepy.

Soooooo yeah. Been busy. I graduate in like two weeks. It's weird. Only one more class to go, then the Sr. Show, and graduation. I'm looking forward to the show more so then the grad ceremony...I barely remember my high school one, my dad had given me his prescription anti anxiety medicine because I was freaking out at him for making us late. So I was very calm, but don't remember much. But walking in front of lots of people isn't my idea of a good time. At least at the show I can stand by my art, or mingle around looking at my classmate's work. Here's my oh so lovely postcard I had made. Need to order more soon.

My thesis is complete, I just need to scan the last one. I linked my online portfolio here, it's that new little white, pink, and orange button on the side. Went with happy colors, as I think children's books is what I'd like to get into.

The gallery has the sr.s work up in it currently, our 4 thesis pieces go up for the show, all around the building, but the main gallery has one piece of ours each. I used this one:

Here it is all spify and matted:

Got put by itself by Kevin's animation. Not sure if that's the best placement or the worst. Hm.

In other news I'll be moving soon, Sam (and Sam's bf) and I are moving in with Sharon. So rent will be pretty cheap with four people, so that's good. I'm worried about money now that I'll be all on my own and with loans coming to collect soon. I think I'll manage. My one job went bankrupt, but I have managed to live on employment, and I have another retail job lined up for after I graduate. Also jason and I have called it quits again. For the final time, cause seriously you can only break up and get back together so many times. And I really like someone at my school, something I didn't think possible before. So I'm doing fine, things really feel like they are coming together now, with school, and everything else.

I'll try to post my thesis pieces up next...