You can see them better at dA or on my site. I picked the children's book category, and had the idea to do nautical myths, since I like painting sea life so much. The first image is the mock cover, the second is from a Japanese tale called "Why the Jellyfish Has No Bones", third is basically the "Selkie" myth, fourth is from the myths connecting the nautilus with the moon.
I graduate this Saturday, I don't really believe it. Moving to a new apartment seems more real to me right now. I'll be somewhere new on the 1st of June, it's exciting. My room is bigger there. :P Been packing books and stacking old art while doing laundry all day. Energy level still pretty high considering...but I'm going to need a lot more boxes. So far I have 6 average sized cardboard boxes just full of books...and I still have more, not counting dvds. Moving all this is going to be interesting. Well, back to the laundry...