Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Threadless T-shirt

Red Redux - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More
It says it's pending approval, but Threadless just told me it was approved, and to start spamming it everywhere. So yeah. Spamming away! If you want to make this poor college graduate still working retail to pay for everything happy, you should go there and vote on it, and say you'd buy it (even if you wouldn't lol) Could really use the money to help get a chunk of my loans paid, and to help out my younger sister.

I've been working in vectors lately, been submitting to art magazines, got into Pocketful. See my piece here. Also submitted two pieces to Semi-Permanent. No word from them yet. Figuring out what I want to submit to the Society of Illustrators (since I'm only a year out of school, it's still just 5 bucks per submission). The teachers I've kept in contact with really like my vectors...maybe mostly working in watercolor for 3 years was a mistake.

But at least the watercolor training paid off this year for holiday gifts. Now I'm doing commissions of peoples pets, only charging $30 for a portrait. You can see some of the Christmas gifts here. A relative of my best friend wants her deceased Boxer done, and my old friend from middle school wanted one of her cat, finished that gotta send it out today. So maybe this could at least give me some extra spending money.

Anywho. Vote on my t-shirt! You know you'd wear it! (or buy it for your girlfriend...or sister...)