Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Harpies, Horns, and Graphic Design Wat.

I've fallen behind on vectoring but have continued sketching quite a lot (guaranteeing that I'll never get around to vectoring them all I guess). The deadline for this is fast approaching so I'm trying not to get sidetracked and complete it. They need monsters and I'm hoping I can get a good print of my Medusa and this gal to submit. Continuing with mythology monsters, Harpies are fun to draw, I'll have to do more...put that on the long list of arty things I want to do. Horrible photo, meant to get a better scan but then started vectoring anyway.

If anyone else in Lancaster wants to contribute to this charity event here's the info:

They are not expecting your most awesome work ever because of the deadline and the target consumer, and it doesn't have to be framed or anything.

I've recently become a graphic designer. I know, what??, right? But considering I get 40 hours a week and much better pay then my previous job it wasn't that hard of a sell. Currently working two actual jobs while working on my art...I'm going to be very busy.

In other arty related news/stuff one of my favorite watercolorists at deviantART, tir-ri, is selling prints of some of her art and the money will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross. I had to buy one, as her Wendy pieces are my favorite, and the least I could do was donate something to their relief fund. Go here, she's awesome.

See? Awesome:

And continuing the arty-things-I-spent-money-on over at miss monster's site I bought ram horn barrettes and they are fan-frickin'-tastic. I'm pretty sure I'm going to wear them non-stop.

So that's it for now, should have the finished Harpy up soon, and then I'll work on the Barbie vector/pet commissions/super heroines/Goat girls. Yeah. One of those.