Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holidays and Such.

Thought I should update. :P This is for you Sharon.

Been working on sketching and some painting the past couple months. Didn't do too much during the summer besides sketch, but now that school is in full swing for most of my friends here I've gotten into the habit of painting at least once a week, usually at the college I gradated from, in the company of my boyfriend as he works on homework. Would be more if I didn't have to, you know, eat and pay bills by working retail. Another toy store for me, though this one is much more...strict? Driven? Business-like? I assume this is how they've managed to stay afloat in this economy, but I miss KB still. You got to play there.

Anywho. Back to art. Been working on a new portfolio, to market to card companies. Here is what have so far, as of characters.

Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving and Halloween (click on the images to see bigger and better scans of them at dA). Many more planned, and some silly ones like Talk Like a Pirate Day sketched. After designing and coloring all the characters I'm going to do some with backgrounds, and do some mock-ups of cards, and make a cover for the portfolio featuring most of the characters interacting. Halloween is my favorite so far. <3

Not planning on updating my official site with these till after I make better scans and get some backgrounds going. And the holiday card portfolio may have to go on hiatus, since for a lot of gifts I need to paint something, as I won't have a lot of money for gifts when loans start collecting (which is this November. Dun dun dun).

So that's it for now. May take photos for Halloween, as I'm going to be a witch (hey, I've never been one, and I think it will be fun) and Barry is planning on being Hellboy, with my help. Should be interesting. :)

1 comment:

Sharon Lezotte said...

WHOO! Laz updated *throws confetti*

I will be excited for the backgrounds on these adorable characters.