Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crocodiles, Retail, and Justin Bieber.

Halloween is awesome. Thus the whole month of October is mostly (more on the mostly later) awesome. I totally meant to do some spooky drawings. But somehow, my Spooktacular (how great would it be if spellcheck thought "Spooktacular" was a real word?) ideas did not happen on paper. All I have for the month of October, besides Wonder Woman, is this pitiful sketch of a dead croc, done in/out of poor taste and boredom. I am not happy about this, but here we are. I may vector it, without the plane, because I kinda like the P.O.'d/confused crocodile. In my disappointment in myself I have a tiny bit of pride in my ability to draw a crocodile on command.

Let's blame some of the responsibility of my lack of arting on my real world job. It sucks the life and thus the creativity out of me. Not all the time, but seasonal has started and that means the crazies are crazier and the assholes are more...assholy. Yes. I don't know if you've ever experienced working in a toy store when people are shopping for the holidays. I do not suggest it. At the very least it will lower your love of humanity seriously, and possibly turn you into a horrible bitter shell of a person, like moi. I've never enjoyed Christmas and now just have further reasons to fear it's approachment (this is totally a word and spellcheck is just going to have to let this go). People are scum and there is no joy in the world for retail workers come October-December. You think on that the next time you're out shopping.

And on a totally random note, I dare anyone to find a girly-er pic of Justin Bieber. The v-neck and what is obviously a glittery necklace is not helping your "I am not a small girl but really a pubescent boy" image, Justin (this random blurb about Bieber is part of the "blabbings" part of this blog, like my review of Twilight, and I wouldn't feel the need to poke fun at a child if I wasn't forced to listen to his music on a daily basis).

So yeah. I might get my Halloweeny ideas on paper or jump right to having to paint people's presents. Because omg it's November already. I need to get back on some kind of art schedule. Hopefully I'll have more art to show for November. At the very least I'll have a finished vector for Pocketful again, since that is due December 1st...


Sharoon said...

I think the dead croc is super cute I don't know why you don't like him.

Also that is a very super feminine picture of Justin Beiber.

Unknown said...

I do like the croc...mostly just disappointed that's all I've drawn in October. Well, I did work on a commission for my sister...so maybe it's not so bad.

I'm so confused as to why the publisher thought that photo was a good idea. Unless they are trying to get into the pedo market.

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