Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pocketful, Pokemon, and Unimaginable Horror.

Finished the submission for Pocketful, yay. Have like three different versions but I think I'm happy with this one, and it's due today so I should send it in.

Yes, that is a girl whose name might be Penny, with some sort of hot drink and a goat. Also, playing a ukulele. Because. Goats are cool. A bit freaky in the eyes, yes, but I have fond memories of my aunt's goats...mostly me just feeding them anything I happened to rip off a plant or had in my hand. They loved me. There's also a memory of finding the birth sack, that was a bit gross but the baby goat was one of the most adorable things I had ever seen up to that point so it was worth it. Ukuleles are also cool. I think I might be able to learn how to play one if I tired. They don't look as intimidating as a guitar. This logic follows right?

It's Pokemon Facebook Profile pic month or something again. I'm featuring the same picture I did last year for it, because 1.) I don't want to do another Pokemon fanart, and 2.) Jigglypuff is bitchin'.

Text was inspired by this Mr. Crazy Pants
here. Unfortunately I know people like this guy. I may be so lucky to have them comment on my Illustration facebook because of this too. Sweet.

I haven't been getting much sleep the last couple nights, and I blame our neighbors. Not for being loud or shouting their domestic disputes to all creation at 4 AM (which they are prone to do) but for doing some renovations or moving or whatever it is the house that's one house down from us has been doing. I'm pretty sure there's some health violations going on over there because this street's pest problem has seemed to increase. So I hear what I think are mice in the walls. And while this shouldn't be enough to keep me awake combining that with having once read Lovecraft's The Rats in the Walls it's lead to some insomnia.

So if I never post again it's not entirely impossible that I've been dragged down to some monstrous ruins and have been eaten by gibbering de-evolved people. Just saying.

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