Saturday, February 26, 2011

LEGO Earrings, No New Vectors Yet

Argh. Been working nonstop it feels like. Which isn't true, it's only been two weeks with only two days off but they feel longer because of various interviews and stress of getting call backs after said interviews. Still waiting on my third and final call from one job. If I have to work retail for another 5 years I may end up taking my taser to work and pzzzt-ing people who I deem deserve it.

So hopefully I get that call soon and it's good news.

Been working on the Barbie vector, and have lots of sketches of stuff to after that. With inventory going on at work I haven't been working on her as much as I should be. After that I'm going to re-do an old watercolor piece of mine. I figure that's a good way to keep me working on projects, redoing old school projects in vectors.

Also been crafting with jewelry which is fun. I don't think I've ever posted my LEGO earrings here, so I may as well now. I haven't had much luck with selling them online, but sold a few to people I know and given them as gifts. I like quirky earrings and since I work at a toy store they fit.

Yay Stormtroopers.

The aliens were the stars of the first Toy Story in my opinion.

Newest pair, I enjoy saying "Scuba" over and over. Thinking of making second pairs and putting them on Etsy again, to see if I have any success.

Hopefully I'll have a finished vector when I post next. Or more earrings, whichevs.

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