Thursday, February 21, 2008

AWOL Teachers and A Small Encouragement

Quote of the day so far: "16 grand a year and I can't get a thumb tack?" A classmate ranting about this school's lack of supplies.

There is some nice things about snow. Sneakers make a satisfying "cruunch" noise when walking on the snow, and sneakers usually only squeak. But it's cold. Boots, some gloves that actually have fingers and another layer were my consensus to the weather today, but I should have included ear muffs. Anywho.

Our teacher didn't show up today. Can't chalk up too much sympathy for the man, who is sick, because I'm sick. But him not being here is kinda a good thing. My class all wanted to run away when we discovered he wasn't showing up, but our "clients" are here to check our sketches. Our assignment is to do a cover for PENNAG's magazine. Yay. Agriculture. Barns are so fun to draw. :/ Even knowing that a lot of people wanted to leave. You can tell our dedication to this project is high. But we trooped up to the other illustration class, and we had our sketches reviewed by the representatives. I would like to leave now. But I think Ellen, the other classes teacher is going to tell us what we should have for next week, and then my class can skedaddle. Hopefully.

I was walking down the hall and noticed a piece from my Alternative Illustration class on the wall. Then I noticed another wall that had maybe 5 more pieces from the class. Since Freshmen year I haven't had anything put on the wall, as an example of the work from the class. It's really rather depressing, and always seems to happen fro random reasons. Like a portrait project in Anatomy. He only had so much room to display, and sine mine and one other classmate did portraits of people other then ourselves, our two weren't displayed. Or I do a great job on a project that isn't picked to showcase at all. Over and over again things like that happen and after 2 years of it it begins to feel like a conspiracy. Or I just suck. That's the one I lean to. But this time mine was up there, and say haff of the classes weren't. So mine was one picked to showcase. Yay Spielberg. Drawing and painting you has payed off. It's a bit depressing that this made me as happy as it did, considering most people have their work all over the school, for every project. Bleh. Sam's made it up too, but I just realized it was on the edge and I didn't get it in this shot. <.<

We're supposed to stay with the other class. Yeah. Right. My classmates are so going to do that, when all we had to do was sign in for Fowler to establish that we came. The reps liked one of my pieces:

And they didn't say to change anything. The sketch is done, I'm not working on it anymore, besides maybe adding a plate. Moving onto final sized sketch, and color comps. Screw tweaking. They liked it.

I want to get my ears pierced, upper cartilage. Hm. Maybe today, maybe this weekend. Maybe next year.

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