Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Concept of Hades.

I have realized, from my eating habits, that once I am extremely poor and managing my budget like Scudge McDuck (except I won't have enough money to step into, let alone swim in) that living off of $1 lunch meat and noodles in various incarnations will not be hard for me. Today I had a small bag chips for lunch (at work, around 2) and some nacho chips with what was left of some cheese in a jar. Of course, I had massive amounts of caffeine throughout the day, I should take that into my expense account once I start paying off loans.

Anyway. My concept class is going well, now that we are onto character designs and not buildings. Out of my drawings Hades was chosen, so here is my Hades (from the book The Lightning Thief) character sheet.

Novak wanted us to play with dressing our gods in modern and Greek cloths, so Hades here is wearing a toga like shirt and business pants and shoes. And he has gauges in his ears, and two rings (one wedding ring, one just for bling) and black nail polish for some more goth. :P We only needed 5 full figure images, but I threw in the bust shot because I was having too much fun.

Novak really liked it, but we have to take a full figure image to color, so he choose this one:

The Lightning Thief Hades is described in the book much like how I would describe my boyfriend (well, besides the cruelty). So guess who was my model? :P It was a fun photo shoot, he's a good model, and only laughed hysterically a couple times while I tried to get him to pose like he was angry.

In other news my Halloween costume is underway. Still need some more supplies, but everything is planned out, and my dress is cut up correctly. It should turn out well. :D

Oh, bought this bizarreity today:

He's so....freakin' weird. He's a neopet, and for the record, I think neopets are dumb, and making stuffed animals of your fake online pets that you'll just neglect in a month is really dumb. But...he was just too weird to not like. You can never have too many funky stuffed animals, right?

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