Friday, November 2, 2007

Tuna Subs are Yummy

My Dæmon had changed a bit, it went to a wolf and then a bobcat-like creature, and now it's back to an ermine. I don't know who or how many people keep taking the quiz and changing the animal. But it's interesting.

I should post some Halloween party pics, but I'm too lazy right now, and I'm on my lunch break eating in the classroom, like a loser. So only one for now:

We're still working on the gender project in my anatomy class. Guy-Me still looks like a monkey. Sigh. I hate it.

At least the one of girl-me looks better now. Have much coloring to do still.

I've been going through something lately. It's still ongoing and is causing some inner turmoil, and might have tainted Halloween for me (though that's not really when it all started). Fun times, but I'm not going into details. I skipped class yesterday because I didn't get enough sleep the night before because of it, and I felt horrible when I woke up at 6 AM and couldn't go back to sleep no matter how many times I switched positions on my bed. So I finished my homework (color comps) and emailed them in. Later that day Katie came over and I had my coffee. Then Sam came and we talked about my cat, and we discovered he has fleas. Oh joy. So Katie and Sam skipped out early from class and we went to Pets mart and I spent around $40 on my cat. I'm going to try to take him to the vet on Monday before my classes. Sigh. I am going to be very poor.

Today is November's First Friday, and also the start of Diplocon (at F&M College). I'm working. But Jason and I may stop in at the con after I get out of work, or at least before I start work on Saturday. There's an artist coming to the school today to talk about her gallery showing, and I really hope she doesn't run over, since I need to get out early and go get my work uniform and then catch the bus. Busy busy busy.

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