Saturday, October 27, 2007

Of Dæmons and Halloween

I took this quiz on The Golden Compass Myspace page. It first told me my Dæmon was a crow, but there's this quiz thing where friends can answer and then your animal changes according to what they said. So mine has changed to either a ferret or ermine-type creature. Cool. That's what Pan's favorite form is in the books. I can't wait for the movie, though I am worried that they will screw it up by making it a kid's movie. Or worse, trying to keep the original theme but dumbing it down so it's a weird mix. So they either have to kiddify it, or keep it as close as possible to the book. The actors all look like they can pull of the part, but if the girl playing Lyra can't act then we have a big problem.

The PCA&D Halloween party is tonight, and I'm almost ready. Still need a boa, and maybe a sparkle-y purple pin to put in my hat. There will be many pictures, as my roommates are going as Bob Ross and the Prince (from Katamari Damacy). Katie is going as something she hobbled together, but she won't tell me what it is, so I'll have to wait and see. She's very excited about it, so I bet it's pretty nifty. Jason waited till now to figure out he can't afford the V costume he wanted (he was going as V, but the apron and oven mitts version, when he's making the eggies in a basket) so we're going to try to get some Ninja stuff together for him. He already has the cowl.

Wow it got cold. Definitely going to have to wear my winter coat around more.

1 comment:

Charles Beyl said...

Hi Liz,
The blog looks great! I appreciate all the time and energy you are putting in. Your influence page is well thought and an interesting read.

well done.
