Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Watercolor Work

We need to have 8 pieces of our illustration work on this blog, before this coming Monday. I should start doing that, shouldn't I? This post will contain finished watercolor pieces. I hated that medium throughout most of my life, but starting last year I began to appreciate it more and more. I've also gotten marginally better at using it. :P I think. Hmm.

This was an in studio piece from last semester, that I liked even though it's very...pink. The model is River, from the awesome (but sadly canceled) Sci-Fi series "Firefly". She has red hair here. Dunno why, but the painting decided it would be all girly.

This is another in class piece, from last week. I think the teacher wants more work on it, but as far as I'm concerned it's done. Ding. Pull the turkey out of the oven. I like how it turned out, and I picked the reference photo because of her expression.

And more in studio work! Though this was from a live model in my anatomy class last year. Extreme shadows going on here, the lighting was really kooky.

This is from an Illustration assignment last year, of a Civil War artifact. It had to include text. I like how it turned out, to me it looks like it would be in a children's picture book.

Watercolor with ink. And salt. Mmm. This was from the last day of school, and I was very hyper but had no one to goof off with since they were still in class. So I ate a lot of raw mushrooms (not the hallucinogenic kind, I just like raw mushrooms) and then 4 hours later this was completed. I'm very proud of it, as you can tell by looking at the top and bottom of my blog.

I think that's it for my finished watercolor work. I have more stuff, but they aren't exactly "illustration work" finished stuff. I'll show another in class piece though, it was just to experiment with watercolor techniques and masking-fluid. This has ink in it too.

Well, my sister really likes it. :P That's it for now, gotta get ready for Materials &Techniques at 2:00. I'll probably put up some ink work next.

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