Friday, October 12, 2007


Oh wow. It is cold. It's been a long time since I had to wear pj pants around instead of shorts. My roommates and I were just going over how un-October the weather had been, and that it didn't feel like Halloween weather at all, and yesterday and today the weather was just like "Oh yeah, it's October" and decided to get cold. Burr. Tandy is acting as my portable heater currently, as I type this up. But now, finally, my ink pieces.

This was something I did for myself around last October, which started it's life in my sketchbook I had with me over the summer. Really got into Lovecraft stories then. I like drawing tentacles. Pen with nib, and bottle of ink. Old school.

Second up we have an ink wash of a model from some magazine dressed as a pilot. Took forever. -_- It was my second attempt at the technique, and I still wasn't very sure of myself.

And here's my crosshatching attempt. I like this mostly, but wish I had done something different with the bird.

Must get ready for class, and then cold though...I shall hug my coffee mug...

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