Monday, October 8, 2007

First Friday Recount

What, two in one day? Yes. Two in one day. I have time to kill in class right now, and since last Friday was what the crazy Lancaster-ians call "First Friday" and I actually took off from work to attend, I should talk about it. Right? Right.

We started the day off with eating, as Jason was miffed and needed food to relax, over his computer acting up. This is what happens when you build your own computer-when something bad happens there's no one to fix it besides yourself. So we went down to Issac's to check out the supposed gallery there. I didn't see much, as I was hungry and had actually never eaten there before and was somewhat lost as to the procedure. But we both relaxed and ate our yummy sandwiches and began planing the rest of the day. We hit up some of the stores on Queen Street, and I finally entered "Puff and Stuff". It's quite a silly place, but I might go again to check out the nifty skirts. Then we went to Zap and Co. because Jason had never been in there and vintage stuff is always fun to peruse. Before we crossed the street to look at the other shops we passed Geib's studio building and noticed a sign advertising an "art rubbish sale". So I was intrigued and we journeyed up to the 4th floor of the old, dark, creaky building, encouraged on the third flight of steps by the scrawled "you can make it!" on a step.

It was actually pretty nifty. The junk ranged from an old pogo stick to an antique brass key. There was an old 8 Ball sitting amongst the junk which I eagerly picked up. My friend Danielle and I have always had a joke that we need one, as we are the most indecisive people on Earth. The ball was dusty, and when I shook it the reply was hazy, barely visible. The irony of a broken 8 Ball....asking a question and almost achieving the answer...I had to have it. So now I do. Three dollars might be a lot for an old broken toy, but I'm happy about the purchase.

The man I bought the 8 Ball from thanked us for coming and wanted to know if either of us went to the art college. He apparently was a student there years ago. He's currently an interior designer now, but does quite a lot of fine art projects in his free time, as his studio clearly showed. He asked my major and wished me luck before we left.

We worked our way through the rest of the shops, but I didn't encounter anything as cool as the art rubbish sale man's studio. We then started to Prince Street where I have never seen as many people at one time as I did that night. First Friday is really pulling in some attention. It proabbly helped there there was a giant light-up bubble in front of my school:

This was taken on Thursday, and on Friday it was darker and there were light-up spikes all around the dome. I'm not entirely sure what went on in there, but I heard that there was a bar and you had to be 21 to enter. Well, that ruled Jason out. Besides the admission price was about $35 and I spend enough on food and art supples to need the extra cash.

After viewing the illustrations of baseball cards gallery at PCA&D we headed further down Prince to try and reach the Purple Mug where one of my roommates was working. We passed more galleries and I saw Connie hanging outside one of the buildings. She along with other PCA&D students (Matt, Ashleigh, Jordan and Colin) had a gallery showing there. It was cool to see people I knew and worked beside showing off their work.

After fighting our way across the street and sidewalk we made it to the coffee shop and visited with Sam, who was very harassed and not at all happy to be working First Friday. I showed her my new toy and bought a chocolate-covered strawberry smoothie. It's very good, but takes some time to get used to. We looked at the art displayed around before calling it a night.

I probably won't be able to attend November's First Friday, but hopefully I can take off for December's. :/

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