Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Alone with the Light Table (& Registration)

Usually on a Tuesday I spend about 3 hours at my college. Today I spent about 8. Registration was today, 1-5. I got there at 11:40-something and was the third person to pick non-sucky classes. Yay. Yes, it is necessary to get there frickin' early. Then I had my 3 hour studio class, where we did an under painting in acrylic. Bleh. I like how the skull is so far though:

And then I got the light table closet key from the Dean and spent the next 3 1/2 hours working on my "rotating name" animation. 16 drawings never took me so long. -_- Perspective and 3D letters are not fun. For me anyway. If they float your boat, great for you (you freak). But it's done, which means I have all day tomorrow to shoot them and then fiddle in Flash to make it run smoothly.

I finished my comic layout over the weekend, and that's due tomorrow. Hmm, only thing I have to look at some more for tomorrow is info on the picture book "Tuesday" which is what I chose to do my picture-book speech on, for Children's Lit. And for Thursday my New Yorker cover is finished and Jason ran me to Kinko's last night, so now I have the digital print with the font to turn in, as well as the original piece. Lookit:

Whew. I'm tired. This semester has been crazy with work, and because I'm insane (or just wanting as much as I can get in college, considering I'm paying for it and loans will eat my soul once I graduate) I signed up for several studio electives, meaning next semester I'll be on the 18 credit instead of the normal 15. So even more work to do, and probably less social time, since I can't skimp on my actually part time job. God. I'm going to be busy.

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