Friday, January 21, 2011

Pink, Goats, Sketches.

As I have been dealing with some sort of flu for several weeks followed by a sinus infection (which I always thought sounded so harmless but it is a major pain) which I am still in the midst off I haven't done too much art lately. I have sketched some however, and completed one vector. Which is impressive to me at least, since my ears have been ringing on and off and my head plants a bomb behind my eye periodically that is motion triggered.

Here's the vector. For a bit I thought it would be fine without any sort of background but then stars saved me again. Stars are a convenient life saver for me when it comes to bgs. Had a lot of fun with the color pink. Think this will be my new promotional postcard.

Also here's some sketches, including the doodle that started this vector. "Sheep go to Heaven, goats go to Hell" is a lyric from Cake that's been stuck in my head and thus prompted the sheep/goat people sketches.

The first sketch page there is a Harry Potter fanart of one of my favorite characters. I still have to work on the Modern gods series, and then maybe I'll get to vector Luna. Hopefully I'll be getting better soon...either that or my head is going explode as I still have no antibiotics. Let's hope for the getting better thing.