Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Robby the Robot is Fun to Paint

Been awhile since I posted...figured I should, what with the possibility of being booted out of art school and all. Okay, that's not entirely true, but all the Jr.s had to submit a portfolio to be judged. The fine artists had to have a crit, with things said directly to them about their work. Illustration majors don't get that. We just drop them off and listen to the rumors and stress out until we come back from break (the 9th of January). That's a long time to stress about being riped to shreds under the guise of a helpful critique. I'm not saying most of us don't need a kick in the pants to really hanker down and care about our art, but I'm just not looking forward to 6 of my best and favorite pieces being deemed as trash.

One of the things we're hearing is that we are all terrible editors. None of us picked our best pieces and some of us put in too many (6-8, but some of the 2 there apparently sucked and dragged down the whole portfolio). Um. I only submitted 6. What does that mean for me? Probably nothing good, that's what. And those were my best. If I have to resubmit a portfolio I don't know what I can show...those are my best, I didn't not include anything. So I'm screwed. Oh, except for one watercolor painting, which wasn't finished in time to put in the portfolio:

It was the final for my illustration class, the genre being 1940s Sci-Fi. (weird flash on this photo, btw) I grew up with these movies (so I didn't need extensive research and re-watching of these films in the limited time we were given to do this painting combined with all the other classes that a certain teacher seems to think doesn't exist, take that Fowler!) Sorry. The man irritates me extensively.

I told myself I wasn't going to think about the portfolio review over break, but what with the nightmares and all it's kinda hard. Anyway. On to other things. I'm getting 40 hours at work this week, yay. Today I have a day off and I have plans after 6:00 today, but for now I think I want to work on some of my unfinished watercolor pieces (some featured in one of my previous blogs). Like the Frodo one. Hm. More coffee and I think I'll get on that...

Oh yeah! Saw the Golden Compass. Not sure what to think. It was pretty and all the actors seemed to fit. I thought the girl who played Lyra did wonderfully. But the script for the movie seems to be making all the characters black or white...but really a lot of them are a mix of good and evil. Like Lord Asriel. They ended the movie before you could see a major character twist. He's not a good guy, he just happens to be on the "good" side in the pursuit of knowledge...But it's his obsession, he'll do anything to achieve his goal...and they ended it before we get to see the fate of Roger. Which makes me wonder if they're just not going to make the characters have any real depth, besides Ms Coulter and Lyra. Like the Master of Jordan College. They didn't have him being the one to try and poison Asriel, because he's one the "good guys". Well that just makes it kinda boring doesn't it? The world is full of gray, and especially in a movie based on such a controversial book series about sin and free will, you'd think the characters wouldn't be so plain. I just hope the next one follows the book just as much, but includes the depth and meaning.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Press save to cancel this relationship

Mm. Been a bit since I posted, since I was doing it pretty regularly. Homework is crashing down on all of us in waves, all the teachers seem to want to swamp us before we escape for Thanksgiving Break. Not much of a break anyway. I'll be working, and then maybe 2 days with my parents and grandparents and then more work and then school. Yeah. Sigh.

On Wednesday November 7th Jason and I broke up. It was mutual, and had been in the works for awhile. We were together a year. "Press save to cancel this relationship" is what Facebook says when you change your relationship status. I find the phrase hysterically ironic. We're still friends and still have fun together, but it's definitely not the same. I feel pretty empty. I think I'm more distressed then I admit, according to the drawing I made during Anime club, while everyone else was playing video games:

My sister came up this weekend, so I was distracted from my issues by taking her out to eat, and giving her her birthday presents which she enjoyed very much. On Sunday we went to Jason's and she played her new game and I worked on my comic class layout. It was okay, not too awkward. But she went home yesterday. Katie and I are heading to the mall after class, and I think I'll get my hair cut. Then she's sleeping over, so I'll have more distraction. This week is full, I have so much work to do. Hopefully I'll be able to concentrate on it. One more emo sketch before I go:

Friday, November 2, 2007

Tuna Subs are Yummy

My Dæmon had changed a bit, it went to a wolf and then a bobcat-like creature, and now it's back to an ermine. I don't know who or how many people keep taking the quiz and changing the animal. But it's interesting.

I should post some Halloween party pics, but I'm too lazy right now, and I'm on my lunch break eating in the classroom, like a loser. So only one for now:

We're still working on the gender project in my anatomy class. Guy-Me still looks like a monkey. Sigh. I hate it.

At least the one of girl-me looks better now. Have much coloring to do still.

I've been going through something lately. It's still ongoing and is causing some inner turmoil, and might have tainted Halloween for me (though that's not really when it all started). Fun times, but I'm not going into details. I skipped class yesterday because I didn't get enough sleep the night before because of it, and I felt horrible when I woke up at 6 AM and couldn't go back to sleep no matter how many times I switched positions on my bed. So I finished my homework (color comps) and emailed them in. Later that day Katie came over and I had my coffee. Then Sam came and we talked about my cat, and we discovered he has fleas. Oh joy. So Katie and Sam skipped out early from class and we went to Pets mart and I spent around $40 on my cat. I'm going to try to take him to the vet on Monday before my classes. Sigh. I am going to be very poor.

Today is November's First Friday, and also the start of Diplocon (at F&M College). I'm working. But Jason and I may stop in at the con after I get out of work, or at least before I start work on Saturday. There's an artist coming to the school today to talk about her gallery showing, and I really hope she doesn't run over, since I need to get out early and go get my work uniform and then catch the bus. Busy busy busy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Of Dæmons and Halloween

I took this quiz on The Golden Compass Myspace page. It first told me my Dæmon was a crow, but there's this quiz thing where friends can answer and then your animal changes according to what they said. So mine has changed to either a ferret or ermine-type creature. Cool. That's what Pan's favorite form is in the books. I can't wait for the movie, though I am worried that they will screw it up by making it a kid's movie. Or worse, trying to keep the original theme but dumbing it down so it's a weird mix. So they either have to kiddify it, or keep it as close as possible to the book. The actors all look like they can pull of the part, but if the girl playing Lyra can't act then we have a big problem.

The PCA&D Halloween party is tonight, and I'm almost ready. Still need a boa, and maybe a sparkle-y purple pin to put in my hat. There will be many pictures, as my roommates are going as Bob Ross and the Prince (from Katamari Damacy). Katie is going as something she hobbled together, but she won't tell me what it is, so I'll have to wait and see. She's very excited about it, so I bet it's pretty nifty. Jason waited till now to figure out he can't afford the V costume he wanted (he was going as V, but the apron and oven mitts version, when he's making the eggies in a basket) so we're going to try to get some Ninja stuff together for him. He already has the cowl.

Wow it got cold. Definitely going to have to wear my winter coat around more.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Alone with the Light Table (& Registration)

Usually on a Tuesday I spend about 3 hours at my college. Today I spent about 8. Registration was today, 1-5. I got there at 11:40-something and was the third person to pick non-sucky classes. Yay. Yes, it is necessary to get there frickin' early. Then I had my 3 hour studio class, where we did an under painting in acrylic. Bleh. I like how the skull is so far though:

And then I got the light table closet key from the Dean and spent the next 3 1/2 hours working on my "rotating name" animation. 16 drawings never took me so long. -_- Perspective and 3D letters are not fun. For me anyway. If they float your boat, great for you (you freak). But it's done, which means I have all day tomorrow to shoot them and then fiddle in Flash to make it run smoothly.

I finished my comic layout over the weekend, and that's due tomorrow. Hmm, only thing I have to look at some more for tomorrow is info on the picture book "Tuesday" which is what I chose to do my picture-book speech on, for Children's Lit. And for Thursday my New Yorker cover is finished and Jason ran me to Kinko's last night, so now I have the digital print with the font to turn in, as well as the original piece. Lookit:

Whew. I'm tired. This semester has been crazy with work, and because I'm insane (or just wanting as much as I can get in college, considering I'm paying for it and loans will eat my soul once I graduate) I signed up for several studio electives, meaning next semester I'll be on the 18 credit instead of the normal 15. So even more work to do, and probably less social time, since I can't skimp on my actually part time job. God. I'm going to be busy.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pizza and Guy-Me

I'm currently at Jason's place, but as he just managed to fix his computer (new processor) and is doing all his online homework right now, I am bored. So figured I'd update. I'm making a freezer-to-oven pizza, and I hope it's almost ready because I'm starving. Damn Papa John's server being down and me being too lazy to actually interact with someone on the phone.

In school news all students have to enter a "What is Beauty?" contest/thing. No guidelines besides the size, really. It was just an open thing, but then they made it mandatory for the Fine Art majors, and then for the rest of the school too. :/ Besides the bitterness of an extra homework assignment-


Okay. I'm back, with a full stomach and a burn blister. Bah. Anyway, besides that and the fact that we have less time to do the thing, I think it could be kinda fun, it will give me a chance to do something less illustration-y. I have some ideas which I kinda sketched out in thumbnails. Need to do some better sketches though.

In Anatomy we have to draw a self portrait and ourselves as the opposite gender...I normally handle self portraits very well but ever since the end of freshmen year when my face thinned out I've had a hard time with it. I think I see the problem now that I'm posting this crappy pic of what I have so far up:

They eyes and noses are off placement wise. Bah! I mean, it looks like me, but too cute. Ick. And Guy-Me is harder to do then you'd think, even with the help of a beard. I don't have a brother to base the assignment off of, and my dad's features aren't helping much. Guy-Me looks like a monkey. -_- Sigh.

Because I'm bored and Jason is currently playing video games I sneak-attacked him with my cell camera. Mwahaa!

Nice expression, eh? I like how it caught the movement.

I finished the New Yorker project, but I'll wait till I scan it in and put the font on it before showing it here. I have to find time to get to Kinko's and print out a digital copy too before Thursday. Time is going to be scarce this week, and I still don't have all the things I need for the Halloween party at PCA&D. I'm going to be a flapper, and I have the hat, necklace and shirt for it, and I just bought a cigarette holder and some fake cigarettes. Still need to adjust the hat and find shoes. So much to do...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh, For A Light Table...

I've figured out why it took so long for the weather to get colder. Persephone and Hades are having a marital spat, and she didn't want to leave her mother. :/

Well the critique of George Rocking Out went well. First time in a long while where I thought I got a positive critique. No glowing adorations (except from Matt, who is a Fine Artist and lives upstairs, and likes guitars: "Is that a guitar? Cool. Is that freaking George Washington!?!"), but I got the sense it was liked, and did get some good feedback from my classmates on how to perfect it, like by adding details to the guitar, and white to the spot lights. So yay. Will do that.

So this Materials and Techniques class was going well, we've just been using watercolors and every class I finished the assignment ahead of time. But now we're moving onto oil glazes. I hate glazes. We have to do an acrylic under painting and then use oil on top, of a celebrity and a pet. Not an animal that looks like them, but of one that has some characteristics of the person. Like powerful, or that. So my one idea is of Meg Ryan and a Platinum Pearl Cockatiel. Ryan makes me think of something small and perky. And sometimes loud and obnoxious, as Sam described it when I told her about my animal and celebrity pick. Here's the sketch:

I wish I had a light table. :( I could actully do my homework at home instead of freaking out about when I'll have the time to go to school while it's still open and get the key to the closet where they are kept. I didn't finish my work today, even with a full 3 hours spent on it. You wouldn't think animating my name would take so freaking long. It's hard to do. Perspective is my enemy, and 3D letters are not my thing. So most of the drawings I did today had to be thrown away, because something was always wrong with them. Sigh.

I should probably be doing something productive with my time right now, as I have no homework due tomorrow, I finished it in class last week. Hmm. Maybe I'll clean my room...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

George Looks Out of Place

Spent most of the night on my painting due at 2 today. Still not happy with it. Here it is currently:

The background and figure don't seem to go together very well. Bah. I should work on it more...

There's something moving in my room. >.> <.< It's not the cat, because he's in my lap...Just investigated, can't find anything, though the noise seems to be moving around. I evacuated some of my stuffed animals to the common room. Yes, I have stuffed animals. Well, a stuffed paopu fruit and a Ninja, and then the others are animals. I bought myself a blue dragon one for my 21st birthday. I'm not weird at all. Anywho.

Back to the art aspect of the blog, though the bug noises are distracting (it sounds angry), here's a blurry pic of my New Yorker cover idea:

We're supposed to do a cover for "New York during Halloween" and we kept a look out for ideas while we went on our bus trip to New York. We saw a random girl dressed in a suit and wearing a skull mask, handing out fliers. Well. That's my roommates cover idea. I didn't get a picture of that, but I did of this:

Which I incorporated in some of my thumbnail sketches for ideas, a witch fashion display. But I eventually went with my first idea, before even going to NY, and that was the Statue of Liberty dressed up as a ghost. I like the cartoony-ness. This is just the color comp, the finished one will have the yellow and orange applied better, but I like the texture of the scratchy lines.

Update on my hair-coloring attempt: I dyed more of it last night, but it just seems to be making my hair darker, more then coloring it. I have yet to get in some direct light however.
I really should get back to working on the painting...

Monday, October 15, 2007

In-process, In-Studio & Purple Hair

Thought I'd put up another incomplete piece, this is due tomorrow so it won't be unfinished for long. We had to paint either George Washington, the Tooth Fairy, or Santa in a weird position/place. So we have here George rocking out. The color scheme is still giving me issues. Bleh. It's watercolor, and when everything is painted it will have ink outlining.

And here's the limited palette, colored-pencil piece I talked about in my last post, I'm very proud of it. The best I've done of Robin ever. He even said so. Heh, poor Robin he's used to seeing crappy drawings of him from me. But now I have a colored-pencil piece to put in any portfolio. Yay!

Went to the Guitar Store yesterday, did a sketch of one of their Halloween displays. Might put that up later, if I do another sketch dump. I should take better pictures of my last two sketches that I put here too, sigh.

I'm trying to dye my hair purple. So far the top layer has a purple sheen to it, but that's it. I'll be working on my painting tonight, but maybe tomorrow after I give Tandy a bath and before class I'll try to get to the rest of my hair. Once all the under layers are finished I think it will show up more. I hope. I have light brown hair so I don't see why it's not showing up better...but I do have a lot of hair...Guess I'll have to make sure I get all of it. This idea started while I was at work, and I asked if I could spray my hair purple for the day (we're selling those cheap hair color sprays) and my boss said I could, since the sale signs were purple. So he sprayed my hair and then the assistant manger's hair too (it showed up better on his, he had less hair and it was lighter). It made my hair feel like spider webs. -_- But I liked the color. So I bought the nice dye stuff. Here's my hair with the crappy stuff on it:

So far the nice stuff looks better, and not like my hair is crappy cheese-cloth. Must get ready for class now, and find out what grade I'm getting on this blog. Dun DUn DUN.

Friday, October 12, 2007

More Unfinished-ness, & Blabbing

I need to show two more unfinished pieces before this blog is graded, so I'm posting while on my lunch break now, because I'll probably be at Jason's and work for most of the weekend. Here's a sketch I want to clean up and finish some time, but it'll most likely stay this way for awhile.

Here's some sketches from last night, at anime club. I'd like to do better portraits of people, but right now they are just quick sketches. Only Eve knew I was drawing her, but she was also posing for my roommate. Jason might have, but he kept on talking. Amy and Matt were totally unawares, mwhaha.

I'm eating salami with ranch dressing instead of miracle whip. Anybody ever tired that? It;s pretty good, along side some orange soda and "Doritos Collisions" (hot wings & blue cheese). I'm in my anatomy class currently, and I'm actully happy with what I'm drawing. I didn't feel like drawing a live model today, but of course I went to class and pulled out my scrap of illustration board I've had laying around. The back side is blue I noticed. So I'm using that side, instead of the white front, with colored pencils and it's turning out pretty well. Robin, the model, even high-fived me. I'll make sure to post that as soon as I can...if I don't screw it up in the last 3 hours of class.

Fall is definitly in the air now, I could smell it on my way back to the apartment. <3>


Oh wow. It is cold. It's been a long time since I had to wear pj pants around instead of shorts. My roommates and I were just going over how un-October the weather had been, and that it didn't feel like Halloween weather at all, and yesterday and today the weather was just like "Oh yeah, it's October" and decided to get cold. Burr. Tandy is acting as my portable heater currently, as I type this up. But now, finally, my ink pieces.

This was something I did for myself around last October, which started it's life in my sketchbook I had with me over the summer. Really got into Lovecraft stories then. I like drawing tentacles. Pen with nib, and bottle of ink. Old school.

Second up we have an ink wash of a model from some magazine dressed as a pilot. Took forever. -_- It was my second attempt at the technique, and I still wasn't very sure of myself.

And here's my crosshatching attempt. I like this mostly, but wish I had done something different with the bird.

Must get ready for class, and then cold though...I shall hug my coffee mug...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Digital Stuff

Okay, I lied. Ink work will be up after I put some of my digital stuff up. This is a vector from my Digital illustration class last year. Has some sloppy areas, but I like it a lot.

Here's another Digital ill class project, vector self portrait. It was actually chosen to be one of the 9 pieces of student work to go on the advertisement poster that PCA&D sends out to high schools. I'll take a picture of the poster some time and put that on here.

Here's some of my first photo manipulations that I actually kinda liked, both featuring Jason (one was a gift for him, the other was because I liked the weird expression he had in my original picture).

Don't know what I think about this one, but I had fun.

And here's just some faces and scribbles when I was playing with my tablet. The doodles are from my notebook last year while I was bored in class.

I have more Photoshop colored sketches, but it's mostly fan art. I might do a post just for that, but after this blog is graded. ;P


Time to post some more work up, I can squeeze doing that in before my 10:00 class...There's only two charcoal drawings that I ever considered finished and worth looking at, that I made anyway. Charcoal was the medium they forced us to use Freshmen year, and whenever I have to use it again I feel like I've gone back in time. Not necessarily a good thing. I like charcoal alright, but I just never got the hang of it, though I kept at it in some of my anatomy class last year.

Here is a live model drawing, I really like how it turned out.

Here's an example of what we did when we had to focus on the spine and skull. I like bones.

Probably update with my ink work later today. Must scarf down more coffees and head out into the rain...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Watercolor Work

We need to have 8 pieces of our illustration work on this blog, before this coming Monday. I should start doing that, shouldn't I? This post will contain finished watercolor pieces. I hated that medium throughout most of my life, but starting last year I began to appreciate it more and more. I've also gotten marginally better at using it. :P I think. Hmm.

This was an in studio piece from last semester, that I liked even though it's The model is River, from the awesome (but sadly canceled) Sci-Fi series "Firefly". She has red hair here. Dunno why, but the painting decided it would be all girly.

This is another in class piece, from last week. I think the teacher wants more work on it, but as far as I'm concerned it's done. Ding. Pull the turkey out of the oven. I like how it turned out, and I picked the reference photo because of her expression.

And more in studio work! Though this was from a live model in my anatomy class last year. Extreme shadows going on here, the lighting was really kooky.

This is from an Illustration assignment last year, of a Civil War artifact. It had to include text. I like how it turned out, to me it looks like it would be in a children's picture book.

Watercolor with ink. And salt. Mmm. This was from the last day of school, and I was very hyper but had no one to goof off with since they were still in class. So I ate a lot of raw mushrooms (not the hallucinogenic kind, I just like raw mushrooms) and then 4 hours later this was completed. I'm very proud of it, as you can tell by looking at the top and bottom of my blog.

I think that's it for my finished watercolor work. I have more stuff, but they aren't exactly "illustration work" finished stuff. I'll show another in class piece though, it was just to experiment with watercolor techniques and masking-fluid. This has ink in it too.

Well, my sister really likes it. :P That's it for now, gotta get ready for Materials &Techniques at 2:00. I'll probably put up some ink work next.

Monday, October 8, 2007

First Friday Recount

What, two in one day? Yes. Two in one day. I have time to kill in class right now, and since last Friday was what the crazy Lancaster-ians call "First Friday" and I actually took off from work to attend, I should talk about it. Right? Right.

We started the day off with eating, as Jason was miffed and needed food to relax, over his computer acting up. This is what happens when you build your own computer-when something bad happens there's no one to fix it besides yourself. So we went down to Issac's to check out the supposed gallery there. I didn't see much, as I was hungry and had actually never eaten there before and was somewhat lost as to the procedure. But we both relaxed and ate our yummy sandwiches and began planing the rest of the day. We hit up some of the stores on Queen Street, and I finally entered "Puff and Stuff". It's quite a silly place, but I might go again to check out the nifty skirts. Then we went to Zap and Co. because Jason had never been in there and vintage stuff is always fun to peruse. Before we crossed the street to look at the other shops we passed Geib's studio building and noticed a sign advertising an "art rubbish sale". So I was intrigued and we journeyed up to the 4th floor of the old, dark, creaky building, encouraged on the third flight of steps by the scrawled "you can make it!" on a step.

It was actually pretty nifty. The junk ranged from an old pogo stick to an antique brass key. There was an old 8 Ball sitting amongst the junk which I eagerly picked up. My friend Danielle and I have always had a joke that we need one, as we are the most indecisive people on Earth. The ball was dusty, and when I shook it the reply was hazy, barely visible. The irony of a broken 8 Ball....asking a question and almost achieving the answer...I had to have it. So now I do. Three dollars might be a lot for an old broken toy, but I'm happy about the purchase.

The man I bought the 8 Ball from thanked us for coming and wanted to know if either of us went to the art college. He apparently was a student there years ago. He's currently an interior designer now, but does quite a lot of fine art projects in his free time, as his studio clearly showed. He asked my major and wished me luck before we left.

We worked our way through the rest of the shops, but I didn't encounter anything as cool as the art rubbish sale man's studio. We then started to Prince Street where I have never seen as many people at one time as I did that night. First Friday is really pulling in some attention. It proabbly helped there there was a giant light-up bubble in front of my school:

This was taken on Thursday, and on Friday it was darker and there were light-up spikes all around the dome. I'm not entirely sure what went on in there, but I heard that there was a bar and you had to be 21 to enter. Well, that ruled Jason out. Besides the admission price was about $35 and I spend enough on food and art supples to need the extra cash.

After viewing the illustrations of baseball cards gallery at PCA&D we headed further down Prince to try and reach the Purple Mug where one of my roommates was working. We passed more galleries and I saw Connie hanging outside one of the buildings. She along with other PCA&D students (Matt, Ashleigh, Jordan and Colin) had a gallery showing there. It was cool to see people I knew and worked beside showing off their work.

After fighting our way across the street and sidewalk we made it to the coffee shop and visited with Sam, who was very harassed and not at all happy to be working First Friday. I showed her my new toy and bought a chocolate-covered strawberry smoothie. It's very good, but takes some time to get used to. We looked at the art displayed around before calling it a night.

I probably won't be able to attend November's First Friday, but hopefully I can take off for December's. :/

An Influence and Examples

Whenever someone asks me who my favorite artist is I kinda blank out. I don't have one. I have a lot who I admire, but not one in particular that I can honestly say is my favorite. For this blog assignment I have to put an illustrator who inspires me and has influenced my work. So I went on a mental journey to trace someone who has influenced me. I've always claimed that I wanted to be an artist when I "grew up", and that came from my mother's side of the family, particularly my grandfather, who is a painter. But there's something else that heavily influenced my younger self onto the track of drawing. And that's cartoons.

To this day I'd prefer watching an animated movie to an Oscar winning live action flick. Some of my favorite movies of all time are animated (such as Titan A.E., Spirited Away, and Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame). So in picking one "influence" I thought about particular movies that captivated me when I was younger, and who I still admire today. And so, random passerby, I present Don Bluth.

Bluth worked with Disney on Sleeping Beauty (he was uncredited for it however) Robin Hood, the Rescuers, and more before leaving Disney to form his own rival animation studio, taking other Disney animators with him. His first feature-length movie was The Secret of NIMH. Other early work of his is Dragon's Lair (an arcade game) An American Tail, The Land Before Time, All Dogs Go to Heaven, and Rock-a-Doodle. One of the things that fascinates me about Bluth's work is his ability to humanize animal faces, to the point of which it is difficult to think of the character as a mouse, or a fox. The range of human expressions that his animal characters show amazes me.

Bluth's other movies featuring human characters (or human-like) loses none of it's charm for me. Thumblina was a favorite of mine when I was younger, and his next big hit was Anastasia which grossed 140 million worldwide. Titan A.E. followed (and is my favorite of his work) but soon after FOX studio cut their animation studio that made both films, even though the studio was one of the only Disney competitors worth watching (in my opinion)
at the time.

PCA&D had a school trip to New York (for the communication arts majors) and at a discount Asian book store called Book Off I found "The Art Of Anastasia" which I bought despite my budget plan. It is full of character sketches by Bluth, which I love to look at, and feel jealous of. The man is too freakin' talented.

Some Titan A.E. Images. <3

I hope to see more movies from Bluth soon...*crosses fingers*

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some "In-progress" Work

For this blog project I must show some work in-progress and unfinished pieces. I'm browsing through my multitudes of sketches, paintings, and unfinished photoshop work and I'm realizing that I have quite a lot of stuff that I had forgotten about. ^^; One example being this:

A watercolor piece of my cat and boyfriend. Obviously underdeveloped. Poor Tandy. He is an orange, blotchy creature here. Now that I have found this it has renewed my interest in finishing it. As soon as I have time away from homework, school, and work. Ha.

Another unfinished watercolor is a caricature of Frodo. Like the pic above, I ran out of time and had to submit it as it is. I was pretty happy with it though, and with a lot more touch ups I think it'll be nifty.

I started a colored version of a self portrait sketch, but never got around to finishing it...I don't mind it so much however. But I still like the sketch better then the photoshop-colored version. Maybe that will change once/if it's completed.

Colored version thus far:

Mmm, Baja Blast. Had Taco Bell for's been a long time since I last fed that addiction. I'm addicted to their hot sauce. I mention the drink because it's helping me stay focused on my homework (besides updating this blog). Staying focused on a homework assignment for this class is hard to do, since everything else I've handed into this man was given a C+. -_- Hard to be motivated with the knowledge that it'll be another C no matter what I do. Ah well. Picking up my pencil once again...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Getting Started

So. This whole blog is for a digital illustration class, but perhaps it can be something more. Like Aladdin, and the whole diamond in the rough thing. Yeah. Ignore my Disney references if they confuse you. I hope to put a lot of my doodles and completed work up here, eventually, assuming I understand how to do so. :/ Lets see if I can show some sketchbook silly-ness first...

Just in case you haven't noticed, I have a thing for doodling mushrooms. :p These are just Crayola and some Prismacolor doodles in my recycled paper sketchbook. That's all for now, since I must fiddle with some more settings, and prepare for my next class...